My metal slug movie is good it is nearly done but i'm going to post it abit later theres just a few more bits to do on it.
Also I've been working on another rampage type movie! Its abit like a shorter and more detailed version of madness combat not as good though as madness heres the metal slug sprite site very usefull for me: s/fighters/
Soon I'll get a picture of my movie. The metal slug sprite sheet site will not open a new window.
The picture below is of the new movie I'm makeing, PLEASE TAKE A LOOK!
By the way there is another movie that was ment to be for halloween 2008 but i did'nt finish it in time so keep your eyes open i might submit it any time.
Thanks for sharing the link to the sprite sheet.
The movie looks like a future masterpiece!
Little-Red-Bear (Updated )
Thanks! '_' ^_^